Aggressive Criminal Defense For The Carrollton Area
Confronting criminal charges is no easy task. From petty misdemeanors to serious felonies, every accusation can have an effect on your freedom and lifestyle. Your defense doesn’t just take place in the courtroom. Once the state begins its case against you, every personal action matters.
The Law Office of John W. Howe is prepared to provide skilled, aggressive defense to you. There isn’t a type of case or client that we turn down. We believe that comprehensive strategies for defense give us an effective position in courtroom negotiations.
We defend all cases, including:
- Drug charges
- Traffic tickets
- Driver’s license suspension and revocation
- Gang crimes
- Gang violence
- Domestic assault
- Sexual assault
Straightforward Answers For Uncertain Situations
When you need a criminal defense lawyer, we are available to provide honest advice to help you achieve an optimal outcome for your case. From start to finish, we are your step-by-step guide through the process.
We will advise you on aspects of your case, including:
- How to avoid incriminating social media posts
- How the jail bonding process works
- What to say and not say to friends and family about an ongoing case
- How an investigation works
- What to say in the courtroom
- How to have reasonable expectations for the outcome of a case
- Options for appeals after a verdict
Help Is Available In Georgia Today
Time is of the utmost importance after an arrest. The earlier you seek help from an attorney after an arrest, the sooner you can get started on defending your interests. Contact us today via email or call 770-609-3074 to get started.
Free initial consultations are available now.